5 Tips for College Success-By Students

By Cindy Morical2014090595114726
Academic Coordinator
Student Resource Center
As an Academic Coordinator, I have the privilege to work with amazing students on our campus. I learn a lot from the students I advise and am able to share their ideas with other students along the way! Five of the tips I’ve learned from students include:

1. Major in your passion!

If you like what you are studying, you will more naturally be motivated to find ways to apply what you are learning outside of the classroom. Likewise, in interviews passion speaks volumes.

 2. Visit with your faculty during office hours.

Touch base on what you are learning in their classes. Also, ask them their advice on your major and career search. Faculty can offer insightful tips on your educational and career journey!

3. Create less stress by staying ahead on course work.

Staying ahead on readings and assignments will allow you to feel more balanced and give you some extra time for refining your projects so you may turn in your best quality work. To do this, set intermediate deadlines. This also allows for you to take papers to the Writing Center for advice on finishing touches and to take questions you may have on math problems to the Quantitative Skills Center in advance of the “real” due dates.


4. Take action on what you know you should be doing…even when you don’t feel like it.

Following through and sticking to your plan will help create more motivation for you to continue to build on in the future.

5. Find at least one activity or area to get involved in on campus. 

You may be an Education major and serve in a leadership role for the Education Club! Or, you may apply as an Orientation Leader to become a guide for new students on campus. There are a multitude of ways you can give to your campus and become involved in a meaningful way. These are the experiences that you will treasure from college!

Most of all, have fun making your college experience what you want it to be! Go Cougs!

Feel free to visit our Academic Success and Study Skills page to find out more about how to take action.

Look at our updated list of Success Skills and Career Workshops on our Calendar page!

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